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The Devil Is In the Details


The ‘devil is in the details’ is a popular phrase used to suggest that a project or assignment will contain individual portions which will more than likely cause problems & difficulties. And when we look at the assignment of life, we can attest to the truth that the devil also works in the details of our lives, wrecking havoc at every given opportunity. But thanks be unto God, there’s an even greater truth that we can rely on. And that truth is that God is also in the details! For Romans 8:28 (NIV) states ‘And we know that all that happens to us (good or bad) is working for our good if we love God and are fitting into his plans.’ So Beloved, whenever you’re faced with a trial that seems impossible to endure, take comfort in knowing that our Heavenly Father, the Greater Power, is in the details and that He works all situations out for our good and His glory!

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