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But First, Apply It!


Sometimes it may appear as if God’s Word doesn’t work for us. For everyone else, yes most definitely! But for us personally, we're not so sure. And we come to this assumption because as we look around at the lives of others, we can clearly see that God is moving on their behalf – opening doors that seemed impossible, reconciling estranged & troubled relationships, meeting & exceeding financial needs, healing sicknesses that doctors said couldn’t be healed, etc. But what about me, Lord? When is my situation going to change? Why are you answering everyone else's prayers except mine? may begin to inquire of God. But whenever you find yourself at this place, instead of looking outwardly, turn your attention inward and ask yourself some most important questions such as…Am I applying God’s Word to my situation? Am I seeking Him, searching His Word & direction and doing exactly what He says to do about my circumstance? Or am I disregarding the very present help that He is, available to me at all times? It's also important that we answer these questions truthfully and make adjustments where needed, as it will determine the outcome. There are endless creams, ointments, lotions, and other products that can be purchased to deal with various physical conditions. The possession of such products is indeed a great start. But in order for the product to have any chance of helping/changing the condition for which it was purchased, it must first be APPLIED to the problem area. My Brothers & Sisters, the Word of God definitely works! But we must go a step further than knowing God’s Word. We actually have to apply it to our problem areas! That’s right, put the Word on it! And once you’ve done that, the rest is up to Him!

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