After seeking God for a word of encouragement today, ‘winning spirit’ is what came to mind. Afterall, everybody loves a winner, right. Take for example the sports team who manages to go through a whole season undefeated and eventually clinches a championship. Not only do we applaud their efforts; we also admire the strength, skill & wisdom required to have accomplished such success. We may even go so far as to wonder how great it’d be if only we could win at all we set out to do in life. As wonderful as that would be, the harsh reality is, in life, we win some and we lose some. And while we may not obtain victory for every feat attempted, God does want us to obtain & maintain a winning spirit (especially in this peculiar season we're living in today!). This is of the utmost importance because having a winning spirit will remind you that trouble don’t last always; so you might as well dry those tears and fix that face, NOW! A winning spirit will declare to ‘you’ and everyone else around you that although you didn’t achieve your goal ‘this time’, it would be foolish to count you out. A winning spirit will do things like whisper in your ear that if God’s still giving you breath, He’s also still giving you opportunity! And a winning spirit will most definitely remind you every day that ain’t no way you can really lose. Nope, not with the God you use! So my brothers & sisters, if you haven’t already done so, I beg you to get your winning spirit on TODAY & keep it on. I guarantee it’ll give you a whole new lease on life once you do!
A Winning Spirit!