Adult C-Groups
Beyond Sundays

Are you looking to recharge your Sunday School experience, dig deeper in The Word for teaching and personal growth and development? Beyond Sundays, is the community for you! This community is designed to inspire us to get engaged in preparing for our Sunday School lessons beyond Sundays. Here we will gather early in the week to read through the Sunday School lesson and observe it to kick start our week of study and preparation for Sunday School. Let’s make Sunday School cool again! (2 Timothy 2:15)
Deep Divers

Deep Divers offers coaching to assist you with studying the Bible, going beyond the surface and reaching a new depth in God’s Word. You learn how to consistently open your paper Bible or Bible app to “dive” in the richness of His Word through Church School Lesson preparation, Bible Study Reflection, Sunday’s Preached Word Growth Session and every other opportunity of hearing The Word of God to become diligent seekers. (Hebrews 11:6)
True Vine by Design

True Vine by Design is for those who love to tap into their inner artistic abilities or develop some. In this setting we will experience the greatness of our God through capturing His masterpieces here on the earth. We will draw, paint, build, and sketch His Glory as we see it while allowing Holy Spirit to guide our hands. (Romans 1:20)
Soul Fishing or Big “Gain” Fishing

Are you a fishing guru? Come share your expertise or experiences while we fish the depths of the seas for the lost. Big “Gain” Fishing searches your heart, tugs on the line of forgiveness, and catches the knowledge of salvation. Come fish with us. (Matt. 4:19)
Let’s Eat!

If you love fine dining paired with Southern roots, this is the group for you. Let’s Eat! enables you to eat to live and live to eat. Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God (Matt. 4:4). Who’s hungry for the word? Let’s Eat!
Level Up Your Word!

Our bodies are temples! Let’s “jump” into The Word and “chase” after His heart. Yes, you’ve guessed it, we are working your bodies while we “Level Up Your Word!” We will bounce around Scripture while we bounce around the floor. Are you ready to Level Up Your Word?! (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)
Are You Planted?

Is it planting season, or harvest season? Either way, let's get to planting and harvesting. If you love potting plants/flowers or herbs or have the desire to learn, “Are You Planted?” is for you. We will till the ground in preparation to gain spiritual wisdom, plant a seed of faith, water to grow, and live a holy life through our harvest. Come grow with us! (Matt. 9:37-38; Luke 8)
What is a Cultivate Group (C-Group)?
Cultivate Groups (C-Groups) are the small group communities of Zion Church, Kinsale. C-Groups are designed to be safe spaces for spiritual growth and building Christ cultured community as we let The Lord Live through every area of our lives.
Cultivate Groups will help us to be The Living Word beyond the walls of a building as we meet and build relationship with God and one with another by being agape in action. Participation in a C-Group is voluntary.
How long do Cultivate Groups last?
C-Groups are offered on a semester system, which is 3 months long. Small groups meet once a week for at least 1 hour over those 3 months.
Weekly meetings are vital as this develops relationship and the consistency of community.
Here is the semester system:
1st Semester: February, March, April
2nd Semester: June, July, August
3rd Semester: October, November, December
January, May & September are used to promote, train and give facilitators and small group members a break to rest, recharge and put into practice all that we’ve gleaned and grown from over the semester.

Beyond Sundays
Are you looking to recharge your Sunday School experience, dig deeper in The Word for teaching and personal growth and development? Beyond Sundays, is the community for you! This community is designed to inspire us to get engaged in preparing for our Sunday School lessons beyond Sundays. Here we will gather early in the week to read through the Sunday School lesson and observe it to kick start our week of study and preparation for Sunday School. Let’s make Sunday School cool again! (2 Timothy 2:15)

True Vine by Design
True Vine by Design is for those who love to tap into their inner artistic abilities or develop some. In this setting we will experience the greatness of our God through capturing His masterpieces here on the earth. We will draw, paint, build, and sketch His Glory as we see it while allowing Holy Spirit to guide our hands. (Romans 1:20)

How Hungry are You?
Do you love cooking or are you interested in learning how to do a little more than microwave a meal or tear open a lunchable? Come on, Bro and Sis, “How Hungry Are You?” LET’S GROW, LET’S GO!! Truth says, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God (Matt. 4:4). Yes, fellas, it’s necessary that you know how to feed your hunger too!

Go Hard in the Paint!
Do you keep missing your jump shot? Are 3-pointers not your strong suit? Well, maybe you're playing the game all the way wrong. Sounds like you need to throw your weight around, “Go Hard in the Paint” and get back to the fundamentals of the game. Develop your game so you can gain. (Hebrews 5:12-14)